JP Aumasson

JP Aumasson

MPC and smart contracts: same but different

MPC and smart contracts: same but different

Multi-party computation (MPC) and smart contracts are often seen as witchcraft. But they're fundamentally very simple, and in fact similar in spirit once you abstract things away a bit.
5 min read

Quantum doomsday planning (2/2): The post-quantum technology landscape

This post aims to assist you in assessing the risk of quantum computing to your organization’s IT assets. This
14 min read
Quantum doomsday planning (1/2):  Risk assessment & quantum attacks

Quantum doomsday planning (1/2): Risk assessment & quantum attacks

This post aims to assist you in assessing the risk of quantum computing to your organization’s IT assets. It
21 min read
Ethereum's Merge is not the end of the road

Ethereum's Merge is not the end of the road

There is no such thing as "Ethereum 2.0" anymore, instead the Ethereum transformation was split in two upgrade projects: NOW: "The Merge", or the change from a proof of work-based consensus protocol to a proof of stake-based one.
5 min read
Detecting timing leaks in software, the easy way

Detecting timing leaks in software, the easy way

What are timing attacks? How to write code free of timing leaks vulnerabilities? How to use the verification tools dudect and TIMECOP? Some answers in this post, a joint work by JP Aumasson (Taurus CSO) and Tamine Kaourintin (Taurus summer intern).
13 min read
Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Private On-Chain Applications

Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Private On-Chain Applications

At Taurus we do not passively “monitor trends”, we participate in them: since two years we’ve been studying zero-knowledge
3 min read
Ethereum Security Review

Ethereum Security Review

The Ethereum Foundation selected Taurus to lead a security review of beacon clients (Lighthouse, Nimbus, Prysm, Teku), a joint project with TomskUni & UCL. Today we publish our full report, disclosing 35 security issues and improvement proposals
1 min read
Taurus Releases the First Open-Source Implementation of MPC-CMP

Taurus Releases the First Open-Source Implementation of MPC-CMP

Today Taurus is releasing [] the world's first implementation of the state-of-the-art cryptographic protocol
1 min read